
The Source of My Army Name

As promised here is the source of my army name. I wanted to do a purple, green, and orange army. I know that probably doesn't sound that appealing, but I like how it turned out. The color of the sand on the base is the same color of the table we play on, so he'll blend in nicely.

When I told my cousin, Marc, of my color choices he kinda looked at me with a "you better not be serious" look, but I have to say I like the results. I originally though green body, purple carapace, but I'm glad I changed my mind.

That purple is a single color wash. It has to be gone over several times because the paint just wouldn't adhere to the primer. The green is about 4 different shades, and the orange is two shades of brown one of orange, one mix of orange and yellow, and one of yellow.

It was a lot of fun... only 53 more models to scrape, glue, and paint.

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